United Methodist Church Anna
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.

Tim's Tidbits

  August 2022
Tim’s Tidbits

   What’s in a name? Do you know the origin of your name or why you have the name that was given to you when you were born?

Many of us are named after an individual, usually another family member. But you may be named after a movie star, a sports personality, any number of famous personalities, or even a song. Many families pass on from generation to generation a family name.

Prior to entering the ministry Myra and I lived in Collinsville for twenty years. We moved to Collinsville after I graduated SIU-C and began working in St. Louis. When we first moved there I had people from southern Illinois ask me if I knew certain individuals from Collinsville or the surrounding area that they were acquainted with. I told them that if they didn’t go to the United Methodist Church I probably didn’t know who it was they were referring to. We were active members of 1st United Methodist Church, our children were later born while living there and became active in travel soccer while in school. And through various interests and activities we became involved in we made many acquaintances and became associated with those activities or groups. 

One way of identifying who we are is being associated with other people. Most often we are associated with our family; parents, grandparents or even siblings. And that worked for many years when I was a youngster.

We had lived in Collinsville for fifteen years when my mother decided to move to Collinsville to be closer to her grandchildren. Instead of me being identified as Julia’s son, which is the usual form of being identified, she was frequently referred to as Tim’s mom. It was as if the roles had been reversed because of our many years of being a member of the community.

Another way, and the best way, to identify who we are in through our relationship with God. As Christians we are referred to as a child of God. God knows each of us by name and it is God who has created us to be the individual that we are.

We read in scripture that as a child of God we are joint heirs to the kingdom of God along with Jesus. We are also identified as disciples of Jesus Christ. So not only are we identified and associated with our biological family, we are also identified as a member of God’s family.

Regardless of what name we use in this life; regardless of our surname, the most important name we have is Christian, and the way to be identified is as a child of God.

See you Sunday if not before.                                         

Pastor Tim