United Methodist Church Anna
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.
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Church Services
Morning Worship 10:00 a.m.
Christian Education 9:00 a.m.
Fellowship Hour 11:15 a.m.
Church/Office telephone (618) 833-2234




 2022 Bazaar Events

October                Oktoberfest                        8-12 or 1 PM                     More information will be                                                                                                                     provided at a later date.



November            Fall Bazaar                               9-1 PM                       Bird Houses, Fine Crafts,                                                                                                                     Lawn Decorations, Bake Sale &                                                                                                                     Lunch will be served from                                                                                                                              11-1 PM God Willing.         

 Kroger Community Rewards


We raise funds for our church by shopping at Kroger and enrolled your Kroger card in the Community Rewards program. You may call 1-800-576-4377 or go online to www.kroger.com/communityrewards to enroll or re-enroll. The designate number for our chuch is – XI665 AUMC.



What can I do to prepare for this flu season?


The timing of flu is very unpredictable and can vary from season to season. Flu activity most commonly peaks in the US between December and February.   However, flu season activity can begin as early as October and continue as late as May.



CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone six months of age and older as the first and most important step in protecting against this serious disease. In addition to getting the flu vaccine, use everyday preventive actions such as: stay away from sick people, washing your hands frequently to reduce the spread of germs, and staying at home if you are sick to prevent the spread of the virus.




The CDC recommends getting the flu vaccine soon after it is available, preferably by October. Remember that it takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection.


 “Loaves and Fishes” Mission Dinner
Warming your Heart & Soul with Fellowship. 
In July we distributed many Adult bags and Kids Treat bags and the turnout was FANTASTIC!


We will be distributing non-perishable foods and some kind of meat at the Church, Tuesday, August 16th from 4:30 to 5:30 PM



Thank you to everyone who works, donates, prays and attends.    




We could not do this ministry without you! 

Children must be accompanied by a parent  
or guardian.  For more information call  
Anna UMC at 833-2234.
If you are able to help   
 contact the co-chairs of Loaves and Fishes, 
  Nancy Hooks and Bonnie Sullivan. 
“As you did it to one of the least of these ...”
            In his book God’s Politics, theologian Jim Wallis, who frequently speaks on matters of faith and society, tells of an old Pentecostal mentor of his named Mary Glover. He says he learned more about Jesus’ relationship with the poor from her than he did in seminary.
            For instance, Jim recounts, every time they were about to open the doors to a neighborhood food line in Washington, D.C., Mary prayed, “Lord, we know that you’ll be comin’ through this line today, so, Lord, help us treat you well.”
Every Wednesday


Men’s Bible Study, 7am 

Women’s Bible Study, 1pm

UMW will be meeting on August 2nd.
            The UMW continue to collect cancelled postage stamps and Box Tops for Education. Please trim stamps leaving more than ¼” of the envelope. Also, continue to clip box tops from your favorite products to benefit Cunningham Children’s Home. Go to btfe.com for a complete list of participating products. A box has been provided in the Narthex for collection.
RADA Cutlery
 Jane Bauer took on the RADA cutlery project on behalf of the United Methodist Women.   She now keeps the inventory and takes orders for sales.
            A number of UMW missions were helped from the sale of RADA cutlery and, along with donations to the church, earnings have totaled over $1500. Some of these earnings and donations went toward the purchase of new coffee makers, silverware and new greenery for the annual Hanging of the Greens during the 2014 Christmas season. In addition, donations were made to the building fund and Ladies Bazaar. The remaining earnings went towards many different needs including office equipment, the renovation of the parsonage’s air conditioning, a new office copier, new church carpet, nursery attendant’s salary as well as flood bucket supplies.
            This project is a worthwhile endeavor and will continue to be a viable service with the support of the church and community.
United Methodist Women