United Methodist Church Anna
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.
Church Services
Morning Worship 10:00 a.m.
Christian Education 9:00 a.m.
Fellowship Hour 11:15 a.m.
Church/Office telephone (618) 833-2234




Sunday Worship Services Are Available in Person,
on this Web Site and
on Pastor Tim Gossett's Facebook Page 

Anna United Methodist Church Is the People, Not the Building.

Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM

Morning Worship is at 10:45 AM.

Hope to see You there!!!

Ch rch just isn't the same without u!

       November 2022 

Church Safety/Security Protocol Training Family Life Center   6:30 PM

Men’s Bible Study, 7:00 AM


Women’s. Bible Study, 1:00 PM

UWF, 2:00 PM

Choir Practice 6:00 PM

Prayer Group, 4:00PM

Fall Bazaar

9:00-1:00 PM
Election Day 8
Daylight Savings
Time Ends


All Saints Sunday

6:00 PM Financial Admin Council Meeting


Men’s Bible Study, 7:00 AM


Women’s. Bible Study, 1:00 PM


Choir Practice 6:00 PM

Veterans Day
Game Night, 6:00 PM
Fellowship Refreshments After Church
Loaves & Fishes
4:30 PM

Men’s Bible Study, 7:00 PM


Women’s. Bible Study, 1:00 PM


Choir Practice 6:00 PM

Prayer Group, 4:00PM

Friendship & Sewing/

Happy Scrappers,
Noisy Offering
at Kornthal
 2:00 PM

Men’s Bible Study, 7:00 AM


Women’s. Bible Study, 1:00 PM






United Methodist Student Offering


Men’s Bible Study, 7:00 AM


Women’s. Bible Study, 1:00 PM

Choir Practice
6:00 PM





 Tim's Tidbits

It’s hard to believe that another year is almost over. Just two more months to go. November kicks off the holiday season for us as we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. But so often Thanksgiving seems to get glossed over and lost in the shuffle as people are already thinking about Christmas and the New Year.

But before we can have those other holiday celebrations we must first have Thanksgiving. And we truly have much to be thankful for such as family, friends, church, freedom, life; the gifts of laughter and music, just to name a few. But we are most thankful for Jesus Christ, God’s only son, sent to earth, knowing that he would die on a cross for the sins of the world.

We sing songs of thanks and praise such as Come, Ye Thankful People Come, Now Thank We All Our God, For the Beauty of the Earth, Give Thanks, and the Doxology (Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow).

We need to always be mindful of where our blessings come from and be thankful, acknowledging that the blessings come from God. We certainly can’t bless ourselves. But we can be a blessing to someone else, sharing the love and grace of God. As we share our faith or a testimony we acknowledge what God has done in our life while helping someone else realize and understand what God can and will do for them in their life. And we are thankful.

 Have you ever received something and not given thanks, or better yet, not be thankful? 

When we receive blessing from above, however they come, we need to always let God know just how thankful we are. 


I shared in a sermon a few weeks ago that an individual arrived in heaven and was being given the “grand tour.” One door was opened and there was a room full of people hustling and bustling, scurrying all over the place, with a lot of activity going on. A little farther into the tour another door was opened that showed very little activity, just a few people with little to do. The individual inquired about all the activity in the first room and very little activity in this room. The response was that the first room is where all the prayer request come in and are answered. The second room is where all the thank you prayers are received.

Think about that for a moment. The next time a blessing is received or a prayer is answered, don’t forget to say “Thank you.” The Thanksgiving season is a great time to slow down and reflect, and to say “Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me.” 

See you Sunday if not before.

Pastor Tim
 Amanda’s health tips

Advocating for your health

In nursing school, we spend countless hours learning all types of normal ranges. For instance, on average the human body temperature should be around 97-99 degrees Fahrenheit. When reviewing labs potassium should range between 3.5-5.0 mmol/L, and the average blood sugar should be around 70-120 mg/dl. If out of a normal range these numbers can help the medical team establish a potential problem or confirm a diagnosis or perhaps something that will indicate something to watch for in the future. However, God made us all unique so maybe you don’t fit into the normal range of things. My point is that knowledge is power! It stands to reason that the patient who understands what their normal is can then advocate for themself. Advocating for yourself is learning how to speak up for yourself, making your own decisions about your own life, and learning how to gather information. Here are a few things that you can do to help yourself or even loved ones when facing medical decisions. 

  • Do research about your condition, medications, and planned treatments - remember google is a helpful tool but not the end all be all answer to everything. 
  • Ask your medical team questions - benefits, risks, what happen if I just wait, and what are my alternatives. Reminder- your medical team needs complete, honest information about your health in order to recommend the best treatment. 
  • Keep detailed records - although your nurse and doctor may have a great education and/or a great relationship with you, they are human and they see many people in a day. Detailed records help both you, the patient, and the provider achieve better outcomes. 
  • Lean on others for support - the smartest most capable individual can be vulnerable and uncertain when processing health news. So, bring someone that has a clear head to ask questions and take notes.   
  • Take time to process - when dealing with health news there is nothing wrong with discussing with a trusted friend or relative. Do this before reaching out to your provider. 

So, do your part and be your own health advocate! You might find that you are healthier, happier and live longer than people who let others make all of their health care decisions. 

Psalm 25:4-5

David prayed for such wisdom thusly, “Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your path; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is on you all day long.”

To your health,


Amanda Boreup, RN





Here is what we have decide on for our two small churches when we can open.

1. No handshakes
2. No hugs

3. As people come in they will directed to sit in the front row.

4. Families may sit together.
5. Others must sit 6 feet apart
6. People will be asked to sit in every other row.
7. Everyone must wear a mask.
8. There will be no singing the first few weeks.

9.  Hymns will be played but no singing. (May hum along)

10.No bulletins.

11. A message, music, prayer time, sharing time and offering will make up the service.

12. Dismissal will be from the back row and as directed by the minister or lay leader.

13. Ushers taking offering will wear gloves and no one touches the plates as usher move between   the rows.

14. Communion will not be served until we can secure special communion elements individually wrapper.


Also David pews will be wiped down on top of the backs and the ends before and after church.  Door, restrooms (which we will ask to be use if necessary) and anything else we might touch will also be wiped down.


Pray this does not last long and the governor and bishop comply with the presidents wishes.  We are adults and we know how to handle safety.


Hope this helps.  Have shared with others and its ok for you to share as well.

Bob Souders
Welcome to the   
Anna United Methodist Church!   
Come join us for worship, fun and  

24 Questions Your Church Should Answer
Before People Return
Loaves and Fishes 


Warming your Heart and Soul with Fellowship.

Please join us in the Family Life Center, 

Tuesday,  from 5:00 to 6:00 PM.   

Our  meal will be 


Thank you to everyone who works, donates,

prays and attends.      

We could not do this ministry without you!





After You're gone  


Click here to see article

“Call-Them-All” Program

        This is a program to notify the church 

congregation by telephone if there are any

cancellations, updates or emergencies.  

        If you would like your name added to this list (or 

at least have the office check if your name and 

number are correct), please let the office   

know. You can call, 833-2234 or email,


Thanks for helping us keep this important service up
to date.